Offering customers possibility to customize products became standard functionality from Magento based online store. Choosing ‘color’ or ‘size’ of product is quite often, however Magento with addition of few plugins can do much more.
Shops that offer custom print or embroidery options require additional options, where customers can populate custom options and preview in real time those changes.
One of our clients have apparel store that offer customization for one line of products and we helped him to add those features to his site:
Plugins that we used for this setup are:
– Color Swatch module – allows customers to select color of product (updates product image and ‘more views’ gallery)
– Custom Options Swatch – allows customers to change font color for embroidery label
– Magento Custom Options – standard custom option types, we used them to set font, position of label and label text
Custom java script code that connect all input fields and update changes in real time is written using Magento native framework – Prototype.
Complete store is based on ‘Milano’ theme and responsive design, since our plugins are already compatible with theme we could focus on customization task.
To see complete setup in action check one of products:
If you need product personalization on your Magento store please contact us on our mail: