Color Swatch Archives - Magento blog | ExtensionsMall
  • Addons Extra Tips – Color Swatches Addons to Magento Layered Navigation

    As always, we're very interested to see how our Color Swatch Magento Addon is being used by our customers and clients. We've seen some very creative solutions on various Magento Webstores by our Clients, and we're always happy to hear that people love how our Magento Addons and Extensions work, and what they can do with them. Here's an insteresting read by a fellow Magento developer who used our Color Swatch with Zoom Magento Addon on a project and managed...
    September 4th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Use of Color Swatch with examples

    Success of Color Swatch lies in fact that is highly editable and can be modified to fit any store/theme design. Some of our clients did outstanding job and we would like you to show you some of those sites and their work. This is only small part of our portfolio, we picked those as latest projects that we had chance to work on. - Color Swatch with Zoom, ‘more views’ section is aligned vertically and has product preview video;...
    December 17th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • How to use HEX Code for swatch thumbnails

    On request of our clients we are giving you step by step tutorial how to use HEX code instead thumbnails for Color Swatch swatches.       We will try to keep things simple by using ‘Swatch Description’ filed that already exists and is used for ‘pop-up’ box text. To set hex code for attribute options go to Catalog->SMDColorSwatch section and enter values in filed bellow ‘Browse’ button. We did same for our example attribute, notice format of code values...
    December 11th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • How to enhance look of swatch with CSS

    Many of our clients don’t want to upload images for all attributes, but still want to present them using our Color Swatch Extension. In this tutorial we will explain how to enhance visual style of attributes that use Color Swatch but don’t have assigned swatch thumbnails. Color Swatch extension will present attributes options as box with assigned thumbnail image. If there is no assigned images for attribute option it will be displayed as box with attribute option label inside. With...
    December 5th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Show your swatches in the “Shop By” section – Step by step tutorial

    While discussing our Color Swatch Extension for Magento with few of our latest Customers, they pointed out that they love how the swatches appear on the products page, and would love to be able to show the swatches on the product listing pages too, in the “Shop By” section. Quite a few of them thought that this should be a great new feature, and have requested that we introduce this feature in the next version of our Color Swatch for...
    November 15th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Why buy swatches extension from ExtensionsMall and not from someone else? Here is the answer

    By now, everyone who has had an interest in Magento and Swatches as one of the most successful tools for improving the overall appearance and customer experience must have seen a number of swatches by different web development companies. If you go to Magento Connect and search for “Swatch” you get 33 extensions, a number of which were made by ExtensionsMall. So, why buy from us? Stay with us and we will show you. (more…)
    June 1st, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Magento extensions by ExtensionsMall – How can I improve my store by using them?

    The answer is simple – the better your store appearance is, the more customers will decide to buy. With our extensions you can not only improve the appearance of your store but also its functionality. Let us use a few examples to show you how. (more…)
    April 4th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Moving to a new domain

    Since our company continues developing and expanding the scope of services and products, it is time to move to a new address. The quality of our work remains the same, unaffected by the moving, while the number of services and products we provide grows, offering you a much wider choice. (more…)
    March 7th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Don’t miss a 30% discount on ALL of our Magento Extensions

    Our Color Swatches are on a special Christmas sale only until January 1st, 2012! So, hurry up! The prices were lowered for all of our Swatches in the following way: -Color Swatch – from $65 to $45.5 -Color Swatch with ZOOM - from $85 to $59.5 Color Swatch + Zoom + Product List Swatches - $110 to $77 Color Swatch with Product List Swatches - $85 to $59.5 As you may see, the prices were significantly lowered, plummeted so to...
    December 22nd, 2011 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Magento and Color Swatch FAQs

    Here are a few Magento and Color Swatch FAQs you may find useful. These can be more useful than a general tutorial because they answer specific questions you may have upon encountering a problem. (more…)
    December 15th, 2011 by ExtensionsMall.