Magento Extensions Archives - Magento blog | ExtensionsMall
  • Magento Security Team Recommends Ways to Protect Against Password Guessing

    Magento Security Team published a list of steps required to prevent brute-force attacks. How effective are they, and will the non-tech savvy users be able to implement them? In the past couple of weeks the Magento community noticed an increased attempts to break into Magento webshops by using so called brute force attacks - automatically trying out different combinations of passwords until the right one is guessed. Some of these attacks have resulted in unauthorized admin panel access and several...
    April 1st, 2016 by ExtensionsMall.
  • This Simple Method Saved My Business from Disaster

    "No business is safe from hackers, I’ve had the chance to see it for myself. That’s why I would like to share my experience with all online store owners. My friend, also an owner of a web shop, was recently hit by a hacker attack. His site seemed just fine, all he noticed was a significant drop in sales," states Brad S., owner of “After a couple of months of trying to figure out what is going on, he...
    January 14th, 2016 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Advanced Search Suggests – Advanced Search Suggests on frontend

    Advanced Search Suggests on frontend Advanced Search Suggests extension will upgrade Magento default search form with AJAX delivered content according to searched terms. Suggested Terms section will offer similar search terms with real time highlight feature that makes search easier and precise, increasing number of successful searches. Suggest Products section will offer suggested product with selected product information’s (title, description, image, and price) with option to buy product directly from search form. Customizing Advanced Search Suggests Extension templates are free...
    March 3rd, 2014 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Advanced Search Suggests – Advanced Search Suggests Settings

    Advanced Search Suggests Settings After successful installation of Magento Advanced Search Suggests extension go to “System >> Configuration” in left menu you will see ‘Advanced Search Suggests’ tab under ‘Extensions Mall’ group. Magento Advanced Search Suggests settings are divided into three groups: General and Wrapper Style Settings In this section are settings related to visual style of wrapper container, you can set border color, border width and background hover color. All color related settings use color picker tool for easier...
    March 2nd, 2014 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Advanced Search Suggests – Overview & Installation

    Overview and Installation This tutorial document describes the basic requirements of Magento Advanced Search Suggests extension and offers a step by step guide for installing and using the Magento Advanced Search Suggests extension on a Magento website. Requirements Magento Advanced Search Suggests extension is encoded via ionCube ( In order to run the extension, you must have ionCube loader ( installed on your web server. For more information about the ionCube loaders, please visit their website or contact your webmaster....
    March 1st, 2014 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product File Attachments Tutorial – File ttachments on Product Details Page

    3. File Attachments on product details page On product details page, if there are uploaded documents, ‘Documents’ section will appear. It will contain all uploaded documents in order that is set in administration. Every document will be presented with label which is link to file and description that will give more info about document. If document access require from user to be loged than instead document link there will be link to login page. After successful login user will be...
    February 3rd, 2014 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product File Attachments Tutorial – Handling Product Files Attachments

    2. Handling Product Files Attachments After successful installation of Magento Product Files Attachments extension go to “Catalog >> Manage Products” and click on the product that you wish to edit. In side menu you will notice new tab called ‘Documents’. To add documents related to a product, click Browse Files and select the desired documents, then click Upload Files. Extension support upload of multiple files at once, you can select all files that you wish to upload at once. Supported...
    February 2nd, 2014 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product File Attachments Tutorial – Overview & Installation

    Overview and Installation This tutorial document describes the basic requirements of Magento Product Files Attachments extension and offers a step by step guide for installing and using the Magento Product Files Attachments extension on a Magento website. Requirements Magento Product Files Attachments extension is encoded via ionCube ( In order to run the extension, you must have ionCube loader ( installed on your web server. For more information about the ionCube loaders, please visit their website or contact your webmaster....
    February 1st, 2014 by ExtensionsMall.
  • E-Mall Facebook Extension – Admin Options

    In the Facebook settings options box you can select the following options:   Enable Facebook: This option, if set Yes, will display facebook feed block on front page.   Facebook Page link: This option determines link of facebook page you want to show.   Facebook Container Side: This option determines side where facebook feed block will be positioned, please see frontend screenshot.   Facebook Container Top Position: This option sets facebook container offset from top of the screen.   Facebook...
    January 2nd, 2014 by ExtensionsMall.
  • E-Mall Facebook Extension – Overview and Installation

    Overview and installation This tutorial document describes how to install and use Extensions Mall Facebook plugin for Magento. It can be used as a step by step guide to installing and configuring the Facebook Extension and as a general guide of the extension and its features. The installation process consists of extracting the extension files on your local computer or server, and copying ( uploading ) the files on your Magento system. In most cases, once you purchase the extension, we...
    January 1st, 2014 by ExtensionsMall.