• How can I buy module from your store?
    Ordering module from our store is quite simple, add modules that you want to buy to cart and proceed to checkout page.
    Register your account and finish the ordering process, your module will be available in ‘My Account’ section right away.
  • What domains should be provided in order form?
    Live site domain and development site domain should be provided. If there are more development domains, name them all separated by comma.
    In every license file ‘localhost’ and ‘’ domains are included by default.
  • Live domain is unknown at the moment of ordering, is it possible to add domain later?
    Yes it is possible to extend license and add production domain later.
  • How do you deliver ordered extensions?
    Extension will be delivered as downloadable product in your ‘My Account’ section; license will be attached to order ticket as a separate file.
  • Where is documentation for the extension that i bought?
    Complete documentation is available online on the extension page in PDF format.
  • Are there other help resources available?
    We have a blog with large number of articles that are related to our extensions. You will find ‘how to do’ articles, integration guides, code examples, portfolio sites and general Magento tips.
    Blog is available on blog
  • Do your extensions have any special requirements?
    In extension description you will find all specific requirements. Some of them require ionCube loader to be installed on your server, so please contact your hosting company or system administrator and check with them if your server supports ionCube loader. More info about ionCube loader can be found on their offical site: IonCube and there is also an article on our blog
  • Do you offer installation services?
    Yes we offer installation service, you can request it when you order module or you can contact us later and buy it as separate service on our site.
  • I installed extension but it doesn’t work?
    When you order module on our site, system will automatically create default ticket related to that order, there you can report all issues.
    Also you can create a new ticket if issue is not related to module that you purchased.
  • What information should be provided in ticket when reporting an issue?
    Please describe the issue, provide information about version of Magento that you use and any other information you find significant.
    Also, prepare temporary Magento back-end and FTP server credentials in case that our team need to access your site.
    Full backup of database and file system is recommended before you install any new plugin.
  • Do you provide support via phone or Skype?
    We do not provide support via phone or Skype. There is ‘Live Chat’ available on our site during office hours (Central European Time) and you can always contact us via email.
  • I sent email or posted ticket and no one replayed to it?
    Our office is open from 8am to 8pm (Central European Time) and within that time all emails/tickets will be responded to in the shortest amount of time.
    During weekends, we have on duty team that will respond as soon as possible. All orders are delivered within standard time and delivery time depends on payment method and successful confirmation.
  • I like your extension but need some things to be modified?
    Please contact us with your idea and we will check if it is possible to modify our Extension according to your idea, on our email: info@extensionsmall.com
  • I bought the wrong extension, is it possible to replace it?
    Please post a request on ticket related to that particular order and our sales department will help you.
  • Can I test the extension before i buy it?
    For some extensions demo server is available, please contact our support at support@extensionsmall.com
  • I already bought some of your products, is there some kind of special offer for returning customers?
    We offer various discounts and promotions for all of our registered customers.
    Please contact us at info@extensionsmall.com in case you are new on this site but ordered our modules in the past.
  • I bought your extension some time ago, are there any updates available?
    Yes, we offer regular updates for all our extensions, please make sure to have the latest version installed.
    Free upgrades are granted for 2 years from the time of purchase, after that time upgrade service might have additional fees.
    We reserve rights to change upgrade policy and make exceptions for some products when the update greatly changes the product.