Overview and Installation
This tutorial document describes the basic requirements of Magento Product Files Attachments extension and offers a step by step guide for installing and using the Magento Product Files Attachments extension on a Magento website.
Magento Product Files Attachments extension is encoded via ionCube (http://www.ioncube.com/). In order to run the extension, you must have ionCube loader (http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php) installed on your web server. For more information about the ionCube loaders, please visit their website or contact your webmaster.
The installation process consists of extracting the plug-in files from the archive somewhere on your local computer or web server (we will send you an extension as zip file that contains the extension files in the needed folder structure) and copying them to the root folder of your Magento website. If you are using custom theme extension files should be copied into theme folder as well (layout, template and skin files).
Key Features
- Fast and easy upload of product attachment files from magento administration
- Possibility to edit uploaded attachment file attributes (set file label, description and ordering)
- Magento native look and functionality (same as Images tab in product edit section)
- Supports all product types
- Front end block that fit any theme and is easy to style
- Support various attachment file types with possibility to expand list if needed
- Uploading several attachment files at once
- Setting access permission for every document
- Different set of attachment files can be uploaded for every store view, easy multi language support