Magento Development Archives - Magento blog | ExtensionsMall
  • Clear Magento session data stored in MySQL database

    As you probably noticed, during the installation Magento gives you different options where to store session data. The two options are File system and Database File system is selected by default and session files are stored in var/session folder. The other option, to store session in Database, is usually used when you are hosting Magento store on multiple web servers (cloud hosting). If, from some reason, you need to clear all the session data, you would usually just need to...
    August 11th, 2016 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Using and upgrading your Magento Profiler

    Magento has a lot of built in features designed to help the developers like you debug / profile and optimize the whole website that’s running on top of the latest Magento installation, as well as to profile and debug, then optimize the Magento Extensions and Addons that you have running. It’s always worth going over the code and making sure it’s performing at it’s best. And even if that’s not the case, you should consider profiling your pages if you...
    December 10th, 2014 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Addons Extra Tips – Color Swatches Addons to Magento Layered Navigation

    As always, we're very interested to see how our Color Swatch Magento Addon is being used by our customers and clients. We've seen some very creative solutions on various Magento Webstores by our Clients, and we're always happy to hear that people love how our Magento Addons and Extensions work, and what they can do with them. Here's an insteresting read by a fellow Magento developer who used our Color Swatch with Zoom Magento Addon on a project and managed...
    September 4th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Download Magento Add-ons from Magento Connect – Developers Tip

    Magento Connect offers a lot of free and paid Magento extensions and add-ons, and you can download and install them trough your Magento Connect system but : What if you'd like to take a look at the extension code before you decide to install it? Here are few useful tips and links for you: There's a very useful explanation on how Magento Connect 2.0 system archives and stores the Magento Add-ons on stackoverflow which basically explains how Magento Add-ons are...
    August 30th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Magento Version Check – Browser Add on

    Here’s an interesting Magento related add-on for Firefox and Chrome that some of you might find very usefull. It’s called Magento Version Check  and it shows you what version of Magento is powering the webstore that you’re browsing. You can also use this add on to check your web store, if you’re not watching for the current trends what’s the latest Magento version , this browser add on can tell you if your store is running the latest Magento or...
    July 18th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Try out our Magento Add on Products – Color Swatches

    We have developed our Add ons for Magento in order to improve how Magento Products are shown to your customers and improve Magento overall products experience. Our Magento Add ons include our set of Swatches Extensions for Magento Products and various other plugins that will allow you, as Magento webshop owner ,to better present your Magento products on your webstore. Premium add ons that we developed include: Advanced Search Suggest – Magento Add on Color Swatch – Magento Add on...
    July 8th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • E-mall Twitter v2.0.0

    Twitter company recently changed policy and introduced stricter guidelines about how the Twitter API should be used. Therefore we decided to update our Emall Twitter extension and offer to all our customers plug-in that will support all features that new API provide. Major change from previous version is additional data that is required beside twitter username. Twitter extension now requires ‘Twitter widget ID’ which can be obtained in user widgets section. Login at with your username and password, than...
    June 26th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Looking to improve your Magento Webstore? Check out our Magento Services offer

    Due to the increasing number of inquiries on our website, coming from our potential Clients, mostly Magento Webstore owners and Webstore administrators, asking us for various services regarding their Magento websites, we've decided to make it easier for everyone and make a list of Magento Services that we can provide. We can provide you with the following Magento Services: Custom Magento Theme Design Magento Theme Installation / Existing Theme Modification PSD to Magento Magento Development - Complete Store Development Magento...
    January 13th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Why buy swatches extension from ExtensionsMall and not from someone else? Here is the answer

    By now, everyone who has had an interest in Magento and Swatches as one of the most successful tools for improving the overall appearance and customer experience must have seen a number of swatches by different web development companies. If you go to Magento Connect and search for “Swatch” you get 33 extensions, a number of which were made by ExtensionsMall. So, why buy from us? Stay with us and we will show you. (more…)
    June 1st, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Basic recommendations for beginners in Magento development

    Magento is a complex open source platform which can provide an excellent experience both for owners of web shops and their customers. However, Magento development doesn’t come that easy. Although downloading and installing it is pretty simple, if you are a beginner there are a few things you must know. (more…)
    May 21st, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.