Twitter company recently changed policy and introduced stricter guidelines about how the Twitter API should be used. Therefore we decided to update our Emall Twitter extension and offer to all our customers plug-in that will support all features that new API provide.
Major change from previous version is additional data that is required beside twitter username. Twitter extension now requires ‘Twitter widget ID’ which can be obtained in user widgets section. Login at www.twitter.com with your username and password, than go to twitter.com/settings/widgets, and click create new > create widget.
Emall Twitter version 2.0.0 will allow you to further customize functionality and appearance of your twitter block. To name just few of them:
• Number of Twitter Feeds: Determines number of last posted twits that will be loaded, with option to show unlimited number of tweets
• Twitter Container Background Color: While twitter itself don’t allow change of color (beside theme selection) using transparent background it is easy now to match color scheme of your Mageto theme (color picker embedded for easy selection)
• Twitter Theme: choose one of twitter color scheme presets (new themes will be added regularly as they are published)
• Layout Options: all new API features are supported (noheader, nofooter, noborders, noscrollbar, transparent); all those can be easily selected from administration and combined to setup widget as you like
Latest version of Emall Twitter extension is available on our site:
If you need any additional info or help with customization please contact us on support@extensionsmall.com