In the Facebook settings options box you can select the following options:
Enable Facebook: This option, if set Yes, will display facebook feed block on front page.
Facebook Page link: This option determines link of facebook page you want to show.
Facebook Container Side: This option determines side where facebook feed block will be positioned, please see frontend screenshot.
Facebook Container Top Position: This option sets facebook container offset from top of the screen.
Facebook Container Width: This option sets facebook container width.
Facebook Container Height: This option sets facebook container height.
Facebook Container Background Color: This option sets facebook container background color, value must be in standard CSS format.
Facebook Theme: This options determines facebook color scheme preset.
Show Faces: This option sets faces of people who follow your facebook page.
Show Data Stream: This option determines if facebook timeline is shown in facebook containter
Show Borders: This option turns on/off borders
Show Header: This option turns on/off header of facebook plugin
Force Wall: for Places, specifies whether the stream contains posts from the Place’s wall or just checking from friends. Default value: false.