Success of Color Swatch lies in fact that is highly editable and can be modified to fit any store/theme design.
Some of our clients did outstanding job and we would like you to show you some of those sites and their work. This is only small part of our portfolio, we picked those as latest projects that we had chance to work on.
http://www.alyceparis.com/ – Color Swatch with Zoom, ‘more views’ section is aligned vertically and has product preview video;
http://www.mgshoes.it/ – Color Swatch with Zoom and Product List Swatches, client decided to show attribute options with more details and used actual product images are for swatch thumbnails;
http://www.prestigecosmetics.com.au/ – Color Swatch with Zoom, larger swatches use higher quality images; main product image is displayed with inner zoom;
http://www.make-beauty.de – Color Swatch with ‘grouped swatches’; on client request we added categories for swatches so they can be grouped by category;
All those sites are examples how Color Swatch extension can be modified and used to enhance customer experience while browsing product options. We hope that some of those ideas will help you to choose Color Swatch for your store too. If you have any questions about Color Swatch please let us know on: info@extensionsmall.com