Easy integration of ‘Color Swatch’ module is one of main reasons why customers still prefer our plugin among other swatch plugins.
While integration into theme in most cases is quite straight forward process (our module is fully compatible with most popular themes for Magento), we went one step further and integrated module into Shopper theme that use ‘Excellence Ajax Module for Magento’. Site owner idea was to allow customers simple way to add various products right from catalog page, without need to open product details page for every product. Since most of configurable products use only one attribute, our Color Swatch module perfectly fitted into setup.
Color Swatch will display product attributes (in form of swatches) on catalog page, as customer select swatch product image will be updated allowing customer to preview product variation.
Once desired variation is selected product can be added to cart via ‘Ajax cart module’ without reloading catalog page. That way customer can shop without interrupting process, still he can check product details any time by opening product details page. Beside catalog page, Color swatch module will appear on search page, home page (featured products block), splash pages and in related products block.
To see our module in action visit site: www.fiskaonline.se
If you are interested to enhance your store with similar feature don’t hesitate to contact us: info@extensionsmall.com