Magmi is product importing tool that will allow you to import/update large number of products at a reasonable pace. One of very useful features is ability to create product “customizable options”, through custom options plugin. Adding those options manually through Magento back-end is time consuming operation even for one product.
Magmi ‘Mass importer’ support Magento default custom option types, however it is possible to use it for importing custom option swatches too.
This is Step by Step guide how to import products and create custom option swatches for those products:
1. Install Custom Option Swatch Extension and create swatch options; it is very important to assign proper name to swatches,
since we will use swatch name to connect them with product custom options.
2. Import products using Magmi tool. Here is a example of code (part from CSV file) to import product that have ‘swatch’ custom option:
admin;base;default;simple;4;SK00001;Test product;1;10;Red|Blue|Green|White;S|M|L|XL|XXL| After you finish 2nd step products will appear under Catalog->Manage products section, however they will not have assigned images for custom options.
3. Open Catalog->Custom Option Swatches->Magmi repair tool and import same file that you used to import products.
After process is finished a report message will be displayed with number of processed products and how many of them are successfully repaired.
4. Now edit product and open ‘Custom Options’ tab, images for custom options should be displayed properly
Since this process involves operations with data base we recommend that you always create data base backup in case that something went wrong or you want to restore to previous point.
‘Repair tool’ use simple code and read/write only within plugin tables, also it provide solid performances while keeping low memory usage during repair process.
In new version of ‘Custom Options Swatch’ (version 2.0) repair tool will be integrated, while for all our customers that has previous versions it will be available in form of free add-on.
If you have any questions or need more infrmations about our great plugins plese mail us to: support@extensionsmall.com
Thanks for wonderfull post