Color Swatch compatibility with Magento 1.9 RWD theme

Color Swatch compatibility with Magento 1.9 RWD theme

Latest version of Magento (versions CE 1.9 and EE 1.14) among many new features brings a new theme. RWD theme (short from Responsive Web Design) is responsive theme, turning your store into tablet and smart phone friendly responsive site. One of new things is use of jQuery framework on front end and use of more organized, reusable CSS.

Our focus was on Media section that now features integrated zoom and image switcher. Color Swatch allow customers to update and preview product images when attribute options are selected, this applies to product main image and ‘more views’ gallery. Since new theme use jQuery update and reinitialization of java script is much easier task than in some of previous versions. Function that will do all work after update of elements ‘ProductMediaManager‘ is located in file: skinfrontendrwddefaultjsapp.js
In Color Swatch controller file after code that update/replace elements we will call mentioned function, after that zoom and switcher will work with freshly loaded images. RWD theme brings effective but simple/clean design so AJAX update on well optimized Magento store should load new elements bellow one second.

Extensive article about latest version of Magento and all new featues can be found on this link:
Magento CE 1.9 and EE 1.14 Responsive Web Design Developer’s Guide

If you need more info about this topic or help with installation/integration of Color Swatch into RWD theme please contact us on our support mail:

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