Magento news, optimisation tips, security and coding tricks
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – Working with XML

    3. Form Options / Working with xml Following Magento standards for developers, we’ve enabled you to create / customize the personalization form fields using the Magento’s standard xml configuration documents. If you are experienced with editing Magento’s layout or config files, you will most likely recognize the format right away, and won’t have any issues creating your configuration form. If not, that’s not a problem at all. Just go through this section of the tutorial and as it explains everything...
    October 3rd, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – Admin Options

    2. Admin Options In the General options box you can select the following options: Visible on product details page : This option, if set to Yes, will display the "Personalize" button on your product details page ( given that the product personalization is allowed on that particular product which will be covered later on ). Please see screenshot. Show personalization page right before onepage checkout : This option, if set to Yes, will insert the customization page between the shop...
    October 2nd, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – Overview & Installation

    1. Overview and installation This tutorial document describes how to install and use SMDesign's Product Personalization Extension for Magento. It can be used as a step by step guide to installing and configuring the Product Personalization Extension, and as a general guide of the extension and its features. It also covers the features of the extension that you'll use to customize the "Product Personalization Form" on your website. The installation process consists of extracting the extension files on your local...
    October 1st, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Color Swatch with Easy Zoom plugin

    Easy Zoom is jQuery based plugin used in many commercial themes for Magento. It is small but powerful plugin that allows you to zoom product images and present them with more details. Since it is quite popular among our customers we decided to offer support for it with our Color Swatch extension, like we already did for 'Magic Zoom' and 'Cloud Zoom' plugins. Color Swatch offer option to update product main image and 'more view' gallery once swatch is selected,...
    September 23rd, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Color Swatch on multi language store

    One of Magento’s greatest strengths is its possibility to create multi-language store easily. To find out how to setup multi-store and multi-language retailing store we recommend that you check article from official Magento  knowledge base: Thing that we found interesting for our Color Swatch plugin is option to show attribute options according to selected store as swatches. Most obvious example of such requirement would be multi-language store that sells clothes. Our test product will consist two attributes 'color' and 'size' to keep...
    September 13th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Addons Extra Tips – Color Swatches Addons to Magento Layered Navigation

    As always, we're very interested to see how our Color Swatch Magento Addon is being used by our customers and clients. We've seen some very creative solutions on various Magento Webstores by our Clients, and we're always happy to hear that people love how our Magento Addons and Extensions work, and what they can do with them. Here's an insteresting read by a fellow Magento developer who used our Color Swatch with Zoom Magento Addon on a project and managed...
    September 4th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Fashion Theme Tutorial – Advanced Settings

    Advanced Settings 1. To add slide images to your home page slider go to Banner Slider (which should be in the main menu of your Magento’s admin panel) -> Manage Banners. 2. Once the page opens, click on the Add Banner button to add a new banner. To have the banner slide show on your home page, you need at least 2 banners. Recommended image size for banners is 990*460 px. Once you add 2 new banners with a banner...
    September 2nd, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Fashion Theme Tutorial – Installation Instructions

    Installation Instructions 1. Log in to your Magento admin panel and go to System -> Cache Management. Disable Magento cache. 2. Go to System -> Manage Stores. Click to edit your main Store, and hit save. 3. Unpack the theme file on your local system and upload it to the root folder of your Magento. 4. Go back to your Magento admin panel, and go to System -> Configuration. 5. Click on the Design option in the General section...
    September 1st, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Color Swatch in ‘Shop By’ section – Tutorial

    Overview This tutorial will help you to replace magento default ‘Shop by’ section with Color Swatch block. All attribute options that have swatch image assigned will be displayed as swatches and rest will keep default view. To use Color Swatch swatches in ‘Shop by’ section you will need to create several files and edit few of them. You will need access to magento installation, with permission to copy/edit files and create folders. Before you edit or overwrite any file please...
    September 1st, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Download Magento Add-ons from Magento Connect – Developers Tip

    Magento Connect offers a lot of free and paid Magento extensions and add-ons, and you can download and install them trough your Magento Connect system but : What if you'd like to take a look at the extension code before you decide to install it? Here are few useful tips and links for you: There's a very useful explanation on how Magento Connect 2.0 system archives and stores the Magento Add-ons on stackoverflow which basically explains how Magento Add-ons are...
    August 30th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.