Magento news, optimisation tips, security and coding tricks
  • Looking to improve your Magento Webstore? Check out our Magento Services offer

    Due to the increasing number of inquiries on our website, coming from our potential Clients, mostly Magento Webstore owners and Webstore administrators, asking us for various services regarding their Magento websites, we've decided to make it easier for everyone and make a list of Magento Services that we can provide. We can provide you with the following Magento Services: Custom Magento Theme Design Magento Theme Installation / Existing Theme Modification PSD to Magento Magento Development - Complete Store Development Magento...
    January 13th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product File Attachments – New Magento Extension from ExtensionsMall

    A lot of Magento Web Store Owners that we’ve been in contact with mentioned that they found themselves quite often in a  situation where they need to provide webstore users with additional info regarding the product that they’re browsing. That additional info sometimes came in form of a PDF or a word document of sorts, which accompanies the product in question. Needless to say, Web Store Owners looked for something that would allow them to complete this task on their...
    January 10th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Free Magento Extension by ExtensionsMall – Emall Twitter

    Continuing with the trend that started in July, where we announced the release of new Extensions for Magento that we developed based on numerous requests from our Clients, we have released another new Extension for Magento – the ExtensionsMall Twitter Extension. And guess what? It’s fully open source and absolutely FREE! Our ExtensionsMall Twitter Extension will allow you to show the latest tweets from your Twitter channel on your Magento Store.   The focus, when developing this extension, was on...
    December 27th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Use of Color Swatch with examples

    Success of Color Swatch lies in fact that is highly editable and can be modified to fit any store/theme design. Some of our clients did outstanding job and we would like you to show you some of those sites and their work. This is only small part of our portfolio, we picked those as latest projects that we had chance to work on. - Color Swatch with Zoom, ‘more views’ section is aligned vertically and has product preview video;...
    December 17th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • How to use HEX Code for swatch thumbnails

    On request of our clients we are giving you step by step tutorial how to use HEX code instead thumbnails for Color Swatch swatches.       We will try to keep things simple by using ‘Swatch Description’ filed that already exists and is used for ‘pop-up’ box text. To set hex code for attribute options go to Catalog->SMDColorSwatch section and enter values in filed bellow ‘Browse’ button. We did same for our example attribute, notice format of code values...
    December 11th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • How to enhance look of swatch with CSS

    Many of our clients don’t want to upload images for all attributes, but still want to present them using our Color Swatch Extension. In this tutorial we will explain how to enhance visual style of attributes that use Color Swatch but don’t have assigned swatch thumbnails. Color Swatch extension will present attributes options as box with assigned thumbnail image. If there is no assigned images for attribute option it will be displayed as box with attribute option label inside. With...
    December 5th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Promo Videos for our Magento Extensions

    To make it easier for our Customers to see what our Extensions for Magento are about, what they do and how they work, we’ve created some Promotional Videos that highlight some of the main features of our Magento Extensions. Please take a look at our short promo videos for some of our extensions, and see what our extensions could do to improve your Magento Store. Color Swatch Promo Video covers our Color Swatches Extension Package ( with Magento Zoom and...
    December 4th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Show your swatches in the “Shop By” section – Step by step tutorial

    While discussing our Color Swatch Extension for Magento with few of our latest Customers, they pointed out that they love how the swatches appear on the products page, and would love to be able to show the swatches on the product listing pages too, in the “Shop By” section. Quite a few of them thought that this should be a great new feature, and have requested that we introduce this feature in the next version of our Color Swatch for...
    November 15th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Magento Color Swatch compatibility with Magic Zoomℱ

    Compatibility between various extensions for Magento can be a bit tricky, due to the fact that sometimes Magento owners tend to install multiple Magento extensions that enhance / modify same Magento template. This can cause issues, and in worst cases lead to one extension blocking other from working properly. As Magento extensions authors, we try our best to make sure our extensions for Magento are compatible with other popular extensions from different vendors, that are also available to Magento website...
    October 9th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Video Swatch Extension for Magento

    Due to a very popular request, we’ve enhanced our most popular Extension for Magento – the Color Swatch with Zoom extension by adding the option to show the videos of the product along the images of the product. The new extension package is called Video Swatch for Magento by ExtensionsMall, and it features our regular Color Swatch with Zoom extension with additional functionality for youtube / vimeo videos. Video Swatch Extension for Magento allows you to show videos and images...
    August 16th, 2012 by ExtensionsMall.