Magento news, optimisation tips, security and coding tricks
  • Custom Options Swatch Tutorial – Additional Settings Explained

    Additional Settings Explained In the default settings, once you add this product to cart, the selected swatch will also be shown: If you don't want to show the selected swatch, go back to your magento administration, to System > Configuration, and hit the Custom Options Swatch from the left submenu. Edit the "Show in Shopping Cart as" value and set it to: "Option Value". With these settings your shop cart will look like this: You can also set the Custom...
    November 3rd, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Custom Options Swatch Tutorial – Create Sample Product

    Configuration In order to use Custom Option Swatch you must first upload swatch images to your magento. On the Catalog > Custom Option Swatch page click on the Add Swatch (Texture) button in the upper right corner of the page. The Add Swatch Form Page will show up. Fill out the label and select the swatch image that you want to upload from your computer, then hit on the Save and Continue Edit button that's in the upper right corner...
    November 2nd, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Custom Options Swatch Tutorial – Overview & Installation

    Overview This tutorial document describes how to install and use SMDesign's Custom Options Swatch extension for Magento. It can be used as a step by step guide for installing and configuring the extension on your magento website. Installation The installation process consists of extracting the extension files on your local computer or server and copying them to the correct path of your magento system structure. In most cases we will send you the extension files in a .zip archive, you'll...
    November 1st, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – Extension Templates

    Extension template files Though the extension has multiple template and layout files, there are two template files that you might want to locate and customize to fit your magento theme. The first one is the template that holds the personalization form on the product details page, it's called the wrapper.php and it can be found in : /app/design/frontend/default/default/template/product_personalization/catalog/product/options/ folder. ( Please remember to replace the /default/default/ package/theme to your package/theme name in case your Magento system is not using the...
    October 10th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – Order Values

    Personalization values in Sale Orders Here's an example of the filled out form with multiple personalization form elements on a demo configurable product : Please notice that I've filled out the form on this example configurable product, and I'm going to go through with the checkout now, to show you how the product personalization options show up in your Magento administration. Once the checkout has been completed and the order is placed, please log in to your Magento administration and...
    October 9th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – Checkbox Form Element

    Check Box Form Element To add the check box element to the form you need to create a new node and add it to the <fields> node of the configuration file, with the <frontend_type>checkbox</frontend_type> To open a node for the new element, decide how you'd like that element to be called… Let's just call it checkbox_example. ? 1 2 3 <checkbox_example> *** the rest of the code would go here *** </ checkbox _example>   After you've created a node...
    October 8th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – File Form Element

    File Form Element To add the file upload element to the form you need to create a new node and add it to the <fields> node of the configuration file, with the <frontend_type>file</frontend_type> and : <allowed_file_types>png, gif, jpg, jpeg, eps, ai, pdf</allowed_file_types> To open a node for the new element, decide how you'd like that element to be called… Let's just call it file_example. ? 1 2 3 <file_example> *** the rest of the code would go here *** </file_example>...
    October 7th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – Select Box Form Element

    Select Box Form Element To add the select element to the form you need to create a new node and add it to the <fields> node of the configuration file, with the <frontend_type>select</frontend_type> and : <source_model>adminhtml/system_config_source_yesno</source_model> To open a node for the new element, decide how you'd like that element to be called… Let's just call it select_example. ? 1 2 3 <select_example> *** the rest of the code would go here *** </select_example>   After you've created a node...
    October 6th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – Date Form Field

    Date Form Element To add the date element to the form you need to create a new node and add it to the node of the configuration file, with the <frontend_type>text</frontend_type> And: <frontend_model>product_personalization/system_config_date</frontend_mode> To open a node for the new element, decide how you'd like that element to be called… Let's say that you want the user to enter delivery date in the personalization form field. Logical conclusion would be to name that form element something like delivery_date, like so:...
    October 5th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.
  • Product Personalization Tutorial – Textarea Form Element

    Textarea Form Element To add the textarea element to the form you need to create a new node and add it to the node of the configuration file, with the textarea To open a node for the new element, decide how you'd like that element to be called… Let's say that you want the user to enter its name in the personalization form field. Logical conclusion would be to name that form element something like user_name, like so: ? 1...
    October 4th, 2013 by ExtensionsMall.