Product Personalization Tutorial - Extension Templates

Product Personalization Tutorial – Extension Templates

Extension template files

Though the extension has multiple template and layout files, there are two template files that you might want to locate and customize to fit your magento theme. The first one is the template that holds the personalization form on the product details page, it’s called the wrapper.php and it can be found in :
folder. ( Please remember to replace the /default/default/ package/theme to your package/theme name in case your Magento system is not using the default/default package/theme structure ). If you open that template for editing, you can see the default text holder content, the “Lorem ipsum… “ text placed in a paragraph. You can edit that text and put some information relevant to your magento store there, or you can simply remove that default text.


The second one is the template that shows the steps between the shop cart page and the checkout page, it’s called the header.php and it can be found in :
folder. ( Please remember to replace the /default/default/ package/theme to your package/theme name in case your Magento system is not using the default/default package/theme structure ). It generates html list that you can style to your liking. Optionally, you can comment that code out if you don’t want it to show on your shop cart page.

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