Here Are Some New Tips and Tricks for Color Swatch for Magento

Here are some new Tips and Tricks for Magento Color Swatch

As we promised, the series with questions and answers about Color Swatch we think you would find the most useful continues.

Question: 1) How do I install my Color Swatch?
Answer: 1) The installation process consists of extracting the plug-in files from the archive somewhere on your local computer or web server (in most cases, we will send you a file that contains the extension files in the needed folder structure) and copying them to the root folder of your magento website.
By default the Color Swatch extension is installed in the Magento’s default package and theme (/default/default/). If you are using a custom package and/or theme on your Magento website, you will have to copy the color swatch files to appropriate folders in your package / theme folder structure.
Once you copy the files, new areas should be available in your Magento administration.
Go to System (1) >> Configuration (2) page, and you’ll see the “SMDesign ColorSwatch(3)” option available, just under the Catalog section in the menu on the left. By opening that section you can now access the settings page for Magento Color Swatch extension (4).
There’s a new area available in your Magento administration once you’ve successfully installed Magento Color Swatch extension.
Go to Catalog (1) >> SMD ColorSwatch (2) to access the “Swatches” page. On this page you’ll be able to upload the swatch images for each of your attribute (3) (4) (5) options.
If you installed the extension in a new Magento installation that has no products but only default attributes, you’ll notice that you don’t have any attribute options available on the “Swatches” page to assign swatch images to. That’s ok, you’ll just have to create attributes that you want to use on your Magento website, and assign attribute options to them.
If you installed the extension on a Magento system that already has products and attributes and attribute sets, chances are you’ll see quite a few attributes on the “Swatches” page where you’ll be able to assign swatch images to each of those attribute options. (Please note that only attributes that are used for creating Magento’s Configurable products will be shown on “Swatches” page, since the Magento Color Swatch extension only works with Magento’s Configurable products.)

Question: 2) Yes, that’s ok, but how do I create an attribute?
Answer: 2) Go to Catalog (1) >> Manage Attributes (2) page, and then click the Add New Attribute (3) button.
Once on the New Product Attribute page, enter the code for your attribute (2), set the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner to Dropdown (3), set Apply To : All Product Types (4) ( alternatively you can set the Apply To option to Configurable product ) and set the Use to Create Configurable to Yes (5).
Once you’ve entered all the necessary values click Save and Continue Edit button in the upper right corner, or change the tab by clicking on the Manage Labels/ Options tab.
On the Manage Labels/Options tab page, enter the Title for the attribute (1), and enter all the attribute options (2) (values) that you want your configurable product(s) to have. Once you’ve done this save the attribute.
To effectively use the attribute, it’s best to add it to the attribute set. If not, you can’t assign the attribute to a configurable product.

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