The best proof for this claim is the quality of our product Color Swatch for Magento.. But if you need recommendations before you decide to use our products, visit TOP MAGENTO EXTENSIONS.
When you see the list, you should click the plus sign on the right hand side to get more details. Our extension is randomly enlisted under the number five. Since this site is not in English, we offer you a translation of what is written there:
“Color Swatch allows you to present your configurable product attributes as thumbnails instead of the boring dropdown boxes. This is mainly applied to products with different colors and sizes.
Good sides:
-Beautiful presentation and use of your configurable products
-Rich configuration options
-Extremely well documented
-Outstanding support
Possible drawbacks:
– Product images should be the first images of a simple product
– Live demo can be tricky to configure
Brilliant extension for presenting configurable products in different colors, for example. Extensive configuration options and new releases make it clear that SM Design listens carefully to its customers. After a search through 2-many alternatives, I think this is the extension number one for a fashion shop!”
As far as the drawbacks are concerned, this review was written for the version 3 of our product. We released another version in the meantime, version 4, in which we corrected what was considered to be the drawbacks of the version 3, and this version 4 is the version you get now, when you buy Color Swatch.
Our products are exclusively available on our web site http://www.extensionsmall.com. You cannot buy this product legally anywhere else.