E-Mall Twitter Tutorial - Overview & Installation

E-Mall Twitter Tutorial – Overview & Installation

Overview and installation

This tutorial document describes how to install and use Extensions Mall Twitter Feed plugin for Magento. It can be used as a step by step guide to installing and configuring the Twitter Feed Extension and as a general guide of the extension and its features.

The installation process consists of extracting the extension files on your local computer or server, and copying (uploading) the files on your Magento system. In most cases, once you purchase the extension, we will send you the extension files via email in as .zip archive. You’ll need to extract that archive to get to the files, and copy/upload those files to the correct path of your Magento system.

Before you start with the installation process, please make sure that you created twitter widget for profile you want to be shown on your Magento site. If you didn’t create it yet, login at www.twitter.com with your username and password, than go to twitter.com/settings/widgets, and click create new > create widget.

After that, you will see screen similar to this:


Please copy data widget id (marked with red dash), it is required and without it plugin will not work.

Before you start with the installation process, please be sure to check Magento’s caching and compiling options settings on your Magento website. Log in to your Magento administration, then go to System > Tools > Compilation from the menu. Once on the Compilation page, make sure that the Compiler status read disabled. If it’s not disabled, please disable it temporarily (until you install the new extension) by clicking on the appropriate buttons on the Compilation page.

Once you’ve finished checking the compilation options, please proceed to the Magento’s Caching options. From the Magento administration menu go to System > Cache Management and make sure all the cache options are disabled. If not, please select all the caching options ( by clicking on the select all checkbox ) then select the disable option from the Actions dropdown and click on the Submit button.

Next thing to do would be to check what package/theme structure is in use on your Magento system. By default, Magento uses the default/default package/theme structure, unless you installed and are using custom package/theme (you might be wondering exactly what is this package variable we’re talking about. Magento standards insist that any addon or extension or theme that’s being used on a standard Magento system must follow the package/theme path structure in order to work properly. That’s why most companies who distribute such products tend to use their company name as the package variable and the actual theme name in the theme name variable). From the admin menu go to System > Configuration, then click on the Design tab. On the Design page open the box labeled Package and check the value for the Current Package Name, if it reads : default you are using the default package, otherwise your Magento system is using custom package. Please make a note of the name for the custom package if it’s not default.

Next, open the Themes box and take a look at the Templates field value. If it’s empty, your theme is default; otherwise your Magento system is using a custom theme. Please make a note of the theme your Magento system is using if it’s not empty/default.

Now that you know what package and theme your Magento is using you can safely install the extension to the correct place on your Magento system.

Extract the extension files on your local system, after that browse the extension files and folders structure. In case your Magento system doesn’t use the default/default package/theme, navigate to /app/design/frontend/ folder of the extracted extension files, and rename the folder named default to the name of the package that your Magento system is using. Next, double click the newly renamed folder and rename the folder named default to the name of the theme that your Magento system is using. Again, only rename these two folders if your Magento system doesn’t use the default/default package/theme.

All the preparations should be completed please proceed with the upload of the extension files to your Magento folder on your webhost.

Once you completed the upload, log in to your Magento administration. (If you already are logged in, please log out and log back in to your Magneto administration – this step is recommended by Magento developers when installing new extension). Once logged back in, please go to System > Configuration from your admin menu. On the left submenu of the configuration page you should be able to see the new tab labeled SMDesign Extensions Config and under it the Product Customization Config. Please click on the Product Customization Config to access the extensions options.

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