In the Twitter settings options box you can select the following options:
Enable Twitter: This option, if set Yes, will display twitter feed block on front page.
Twitter Username: This option determines username of account you want to be shown at frontend.
Twitter Widget ID: This option determines ID number of twitter widget that you created (see section 1.)
Number of Twitter Feeds: This option determines number of last posted twits that will be loaded. Default value is “unlimited”.
Twitter Container Side: This option determines side where twitter feed block will be positioned, please see frontend screenshot.
Twitter Container Top Position: This option sets twitter container offset from top of the screen.
Twitter Container Width: This option sets twitter container width.
Twitter Container Height: This option sets twitter container height, if content of twits require more space this option value will be neglected.
Twitter Container Background Color: This option sets twitter container background color, value must be in standard CSS format.
Twitter Container Text Color: This option sets twitter container text color, value must be in standard CSS format.
Twitter Tweets Links Color: This option sets twitter tweets links color, value must be in standard CSS format.
Layout Options: With this option, you can select more than one layout customization option (ctrl+click). Default value is Transparent Background (allows Container Background Color to take full control)
Twitter Theme: this option determines twitter color scheme preset.