Extensionsmall always aimed to provide exceptional technical support for all our customers. Beside technical issues and compatibility requests, we received lot of requests to provide tool that will allow customers to easily upload larger number of swatch images without use of Magento administration. During work on importer plugin we had in mind to provide simple plugin that will be independent from Magento version or any other setting. Plugin is built to work with database directly and use only ‘Color Swatch’ plugin table, such structure insure high speed with minimal use of resources.
Importer plugin is packed into single file and should be copied in separate folder within root folder of Magento installation. After that file should be called through browser URL, page with manual and settings will be loaded. Instructions are straightforward and plugin only require that image folders have appropriate names and that swatch images have names matches with attribute options.
To avoid any mistakes we created list of attributes that can be used to create Configurable products and could have swatches assigned. Before you start import process be sure that your attribute is properly set and have all attributes options added. Using FTP create folder according to manual and copy images that will be used as swatch thumbnails.
For example if we have ‘Color’ attributes with options: red, blue, green, yellow … images that we upload should have same name as attribute option. In case that we have option that use two words like ‘Dark Blue’ image name should be ‘dark-blue.jpg’, upper case doesn’t matter.
Once importer finish work, open Magento admin section Catalog->SMDColorSwatch and check that images are properly set. Repeat process for other advanced swatches (active, hover, disabled) in case that you want to use them as well.
Importer plugin is available as free addon for all our customers that buy any Color Swatch plugin for Magento Enterprise Edition. In case that you already bought plugin and now need importer please contact us on our support mail: support@extnesionsmall.com