Color Swatch for Magento extension was original built for Product details page, overtime many of our clients wished to show swatches on catalog page as well. Instead to create standalone extension we decided to extend Color Swatch and allow our clients easily to upgrade there basic package with this feature.
Key features of ‘Product List Color Swatch’ plugin are:
– ability to display swatches of first product attribute (following defined order or attributes)
– swatches can be displayed on product gird and list layouts in different manner
– plugin can use it’s own template or theme template allowing full integration into theme
– fully compatible with SMDZoom and allow zoom feature on catalog page
– can update various elements of product item, including: title, description, product image, product link
– ability to update ‘Add to cart’ button and allow customer to buy item from catalog page (limited to products that have one attribute option)
– ability to update product link and transfer selected value to product details page
Color Swatch on product list can be easily modified to work with elements that are updated via AJAX. That means full compatibility with modern themes that comes with price slider, 3rd party plugins that use AJAX to filter list of products and themes that have built in advanced sort/order functions.
Please check our portfolio to see sites that use Color Swatch plugin on product catalog pages or what customers that already bought think of it. For more info please contact us on our mail: info@extensionsmall.com