New Tips and Tricks For Our Color Swatch!

New Tips and Tricks for our Color Swatch Magento Extension

As we have promised, our series of FAQ and tips and tricks continues.

Q1) How to assign swatch images to attribute options?

A1) You can perform this step right after creating attribute options/values, or after you’ve created the configurable product.

Go to Catalog (1) >> SMD ColorSwatch (2) to access the “Swatches” page. You should be able to see all the options/values for each of the attributes that have them. Next to the name of each option/value, you’ll see a browse button (1) and a title label (2). Click browse button (1) to upload swatch image for each option/value.

Optionally you can enter labels for each option/value in the label box (2).

Once you’ve selected the swatch images from your local computer, click the save button in the upper right corner.

Once you’ve done this, you should be able to see the swatch images assigned to each of the options/values of the attribute.

Q2) How do I create an attribute set?

A2) Go to Catalog (1) >> Manage Attribute Sets (2) then click the Add New Set button (3)

Enter the name of the new attribute set (1) and save the new attribute set.

Drag and drop (1) the attributes you want to assign to the new attribute set from the Unassigned Attributes section. Once you’ve done that, save the attribute set.

More tips coming soon!

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